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Michal Kuk

Legal Designer for Citizens Service

“I haven't had time to say much yet, so I'll borrow something: 'Invest me in my motley; give me leave to speak my mind, and I will through and through cleanse the foul body of the infected world, if they will patiently receive my medicine'.”

During the summer of 2018, Michal joined the Frank Bold team part-time and, having sufficiently enjoyed his summers, stuck with it full-time. At Citizens Service, Michal is looking for ways to appropriately combine law, design, and modern technology to better provide legal advice. As a result, he is responsible for creating tools that make the service clearer, smarter, and more customised.

At the Faculty of Law of Charles University, in addition to his academic duties, Michal was also involved in social activities and in the presentation of the faculty. He gained work experience while studying in a consumer legal advisory office and at the Ministry of Education. It is also quite possible that he has served you a cappuccino, perhaps with a decent amount of whipped milk.

Outside of Frank Bold, Michal tries to keep up with the legal design field and learn new things. An unsurpassed goal for him has long been juggling five balls or seamlessly holding an E chord on the ukulele. He's also been trying to kill the princess and save the dragon for a long time.

Michal Kuk

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